I feel very fortunate to have two such incredibly special, happy little girls in my life and I hope to do them justice as they forge their way in this world. Every day I look forward to see what they will do next and how they will surprise me. Loving them is a rush and I am addicted!
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Seven Months and Thriving - An Update
I feel very fortunate to have two such incredibly special, happy little girls in my life and I hope to do them justice as they forge their way in this world. Every day I look forward to see what they will do next and how they will surprise me. Loving them is a rush and I am addicted!
Monday, 26 November 2018
Enough With Your Opinions Already
Monday, 5 November 2018
Family Time with Team Awesome Gorgeous.
She is sitting unassisted and very elegantly doing the splits before moving into a horizontal position. It's quite a sight to behold. I wish I had half the flexibility of my children.
She is also babbling. She spontaneously started doing it mid nappy change last week.
This weekend, she spent some time in the garage with Dad.
He is custom making a sound system for our car. For him, it's a therapeutic process that allows him to centre himself and cope with the stuff that life has thrown our way.
This isn't the first one he's built here. After Angelica passed away, we had to buy a car so we could go to the cemetery to bury her. not the nicest reason to buy a car, but it was a good little car and MrC decided that building a sound system in the car would help him with his grieving process.
It was pretty impressive, but the day it was ready, we decided to go get some takeaways before he wired it up and tested it. Some idiot decided it would be a great idea to jump a give way sign and wrote of the car.
So he waited three years before trying again. this time, there is a lot more joy and many more interruptions from our team Awesome Gorgeous.
This month has also been a big one for Rainbow 1. She is now settled in her preshcool and in the reception preparedness class. She goes to primary school in September, five days after turning 4. She is lively and friendly and wears her grandfather's stethoscope everywhere and at all times, except in the bath, not that she didn't beg. Mommy said no.
She is also (sorry future Lolly) dry. It took a bit of patience and effort, but looking back it was mostly quick and painless. She amazes me all the time with her language skills and her ability to express herself.
Her love for her sister, Imogen's blatant adoration of her warm my heart so much; watching them together is a constant source of warm and fuzzies.
Despite my challenges with mental health, things are pretty good right now, and I have found my happy place, right next to my lovely girls.
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Binge Writing is a Thing
My last post got me thinking about the way I have always written - going for a long time without writing and the POP! Something clicks in my head and I feel compelled to write something or anything.
It's a bit like binging, I thought. Then I thought about the other things I binge at.
I must confess, I am a bit of a binge eater, hence my roundish kind of shape, well, mostly hence. I also binge tidy, clean, organise and fold laundry, off the top of my head. (I also binge studied, which I do not recommend.)
So I googled it, as you do, a lo and behold, binge writing is a Thing.
A thing that other writers write about. Imagine my relief when I discovered that I was not unique in my approach to writing. Then I thought, of course you silly woman. There is nothing new under the sun.
There is no catch-all method to writing and if I had thought about it before, which I clearly did not, I would have realised the the x number of words per day method was not very Irissy and I should not have felt bad about not being able to do it, which I obviously did.
So now that I have stumbled upon this plain and obvious truth, I am going to embrace my bingey nature (writing-wise) and go with it, cos it's basically the only way I can roll and the only way I will ever get any real writing done.
It's either that or spend even more time feeling bad about not being consistent, which is just dumb.
So, come binge with me, it'll be fun.
I am a Writer. I Must Write
It's 10pm on a Wednesday night. I'm lying in bed with a baby in the cot next to me and a toddler snoring in the bed with me. Mr C. is still downstairs doing his thing.
I don't really know why I'm writing, especially since I'm doing it on my phone, which is not my favourite medium.
Having said that, lately I have felt the pull to write more and more. I used to love writing. I could spend hours on it and yet, in recent years, I have let my writing fall by the wayside, to the chagrin of my husband and my mother.
My excuse was that I felt uninspired or had no story ideas. I would say I had the skill to write but I not a talent for story telling so I was just kidding myself that I would ever get a book written, let alone published. In short, I gave up on myself.
But I just want to write now. Right now.
Just random stuff. I keep wandering how to work all this out in my blog and whether I should just start new one. I always feel like becomingiris is not the right place for experimental writing work, but I have to start somewhere.
I feel all lost and foggy in my little rut; even a little bit paralysed by my own over-thinking.
I remember getting a flash of an idea, back in the day, and sitting down to write. The weekend would disappear and the words would seem to write themselves. Once the first sentence was done, the rest would just flow. But that was a decade ago.
Wow. A decade. It's quite amazing how time can just slip away from you when you aren't paying attention. When you are going through stuff and you're counting moments, years can pass before you manage to look up and take a breath.
Maybe it's time I looked up, took a breath and stopped sleepwalking through my life. My kids will thank me for it, not to mention my husband.
I may start with some writing prompts. I like that idea.
Let's see what happens next.
Sunday, 5 August 2018
She is Frickin' Cute and I Adore her
She weighed 3.160kg and has filled our lives with even more love.
Liora loves her sister, despite having had a bit of an adjustment and going through a bit of a tough time with being two going on three.
As I said in my previous post, I struggled with pregnancy, but I am glad to say that our little addition, which has completed our family, is incredibly cute.
At three months, she laughs and smiles and plays with her doll and her dragon fly and her "O" ball, shaking it so it will rattle. She is cute and cuddly and bright as a button (a really shiny one).
There are challenges and difficulties, not least of which being Imogen's ability to shred ear drums with her screams; a talent which she exercises often since she has a combination of reflux and colic.
The colic means that every night, like clockwork, at around eight pm or thereabouts, She screams like a B-grade horror actress.
Infacol helps. Gaviscon helps. Having cut out all dairy helps.
She has gone through degrees of suffering. She started screaming for hours on end, then I cut out dairy and started her on her regime of "meds". She got somewhat better; much better, in fact. To the point that I thought she had adjusted enough to reintroduce some dairy from time to time. Then she got sick and had to go on antibiotics for a week. I think that had an impact on her gut bacteria and colic levels. So now it's a nightly battle and challenge to find the quickest, most efficient way to soothe her poor little tummy so she doesn't suffer so terribly (and deafen us and our long-suffering, very understanding neighbours - who incidentally, have adopted our cat, Wednesday. She is boycotting us at the moment).
We have also had a heatwave, a really long and uncomfortable heatwave that neither me nor my kids are particularly loving.
Mr C hates it too. A lot.
All in all, my girls, my Team Awesome Gorgeous give me more joy than I could ever have imagined (and more stress, anxiety, frustration, and sleeplessness). The pangs of guilt when I look at my beauty collection or think of my blog have gradually lessened, but my desire to write is starting to resurface. I am going to go on a bit of a tangent with this blog and just write about random stuff for a while and see how it feels.
Read it.
Don't read it.
I don't mind.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
This Post is Not About Beauty
I have not written in this blog for a very long time.
I virtually abandoned it, or any pretext I had that I could sustain the blog in any kind of meaningful way.
I look at my desk and the gazillions of beauty and skincare products I have not used with a kind of dispassionate indifference.
My nails are brittle and varied in length. My skin is dry to the point of flaking. My beauty routine is a thing of the past.
It has been almost seven months. I could have made the time. I could have summoned up the energy to take better care of myself. Maybe. But I doubt it.
I am not entirely sure of the cause of this lapse. It could be the fact that my amazingly gorgeous daughter is now two years old and made up of energy. It could be my depression, which I seem incapable of managing particularly well. Or it could be the fact that the day before my daughter turned two, I found out that I was pregnant.
I am now 31 weeks pregnant with another baby girl in a harrowing, and decidedly final pregnancy. Not just final because I am 40, but because (and little baby, if you ever read this, don't take it personally) this pregnancy has been worse than horrible.
It started out with being constantly tired and having endless, unstoppable nausea and vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum) for which I needed to be medicated. Then came my booking in appointment with the midwife (I was late for the first one as I made a mistake with the time - the second one, she was 2.5 hours late for). It was a disaster. it took ages and I cannot count the number of risk factors I seemed to have. I was told I needed to self-inject heparin daily and take aspirin too. I would be considered high risk because of my age, weight, and history with Angelica and would be treated as if I had gestational diabetes because I had it with Liora.
According to my hospital, that meant being ignored to the point of threatening to complain to the NHS before any appointments were made for scans etc, being neglected by my designated midwife, who I have yet to meet, and my daughter, and therefore my husband being banned from entering the room where I have had my scans done. Literally less than minimum care. I may as well not have bothered to tell them I was pregnant at all. Thankfully this kid moves regularly because until she started to I was losing my mind.
This is the opposite of the amazing care I got through Barnet hospital when I was pregnant with my two-year-old. When they say it is a post-code lottery, they are not joking.
Now my symptoms include tiredness, low mood, anxiety, nausea (now only occasional), heartburn, round ligament pain, spd pain, back pain, basically 24 hour all over pain. (and I need to pee every 5 minutes)
I am never doing this again. And this baby better be frickin' cute.
She is due in May and I cannot wait to meet her and introduce her to her big sister. I am terrified that the pregnancy will go wrong. I am terrified that the girls will not get along (I was really badly bullied by my sister) and I am worried that I won't be have the same level of patience or devotion or won't be good enough for the second one. I want to be a good mother but I have self esteem issues so I always doubt myself.
Deep down I know I will adore this little girl and dote on her as I did her sister, but my brain niggles, so here I sit, kicking baby within, pouring my guts out onto this blog for all to see.
Wish me luck. I have 8-ish weeks to go and hope it will go fast, but somehow, I get the feeling it will be the longest 2 months of my life.
Good night. I need to go get my Gaviscon.