Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Professional Beauty YouTube Haul Video

So I have joined the world of YouTube.
Well, sort of.

A few weeks ago, I made a video before the epic haircut.

This weekend, I went to the Professional Beauty show at the excel in London. I didn't vlog it, but I did a little haul video.
It's quite chatty and long, and took me HOURS to film. I am learning a lot about the process so I am not being too perfectionist about the whole thing.

I left out a few things that I got in the interest of time but it is still 15 minutes long, so be warned.

So far, all I can say is the key for me is preparation (not my strong suit) and patience (haha).
Blogging is so much easier!

Anyway... here it is:

Let me know what you think!