Friday, 5 April 2019

Catch Up Time

With moving and settling in, I put the blog to sleep for a bit, but fear not, I am still here.
Liora had her 3 year old vaccinations this week and was very brave about the whole thing. I also met with her teachers who gave very positive feedback on her development. I was rather anxious about it and her fitting in to a new school, but all my fears were allayed.

Imogen had her 12 month review and did equally well. She is turning ONE in three weeks. It is unfathomable. We are not doing a big party; just some family time, because she literally won't care. She is 1 and is super attached to mommy and daddy right now, so we figure, just enjoy being together and seeing her eat cake for the first time.

I am struggling with my eating and my mood, although the last few weeks have been better. My low moods seem to ebb and flow like a tide and at the moment, my brain is on reasonably good behaviour. There are low moments, but I manage them. I have recently undergone some very helpful therapy, so my self-esteem issues are under control too. I won't say I am cured of the self-loathing... let's say I'm in remission. Yeah. I like that. It is as accurate a description as I can give.

The food thing, though... man! I don't know. That's a monster I can't seem to beat. Maybe when my mother in law comes, she will be able to help me get on the right path.

I'll figure it out. For the moment. I am just enjoying the feeling of not hating myself all the time. It's weird, I can't say I like myself yet, but I'll get there.

Rome was not built in a day.

Yesterday, I managed to wash my hair and that is the biggest win of all.

Good night.