This Easter break has been a challenge. Day 1 mainly involved my kids getting colds and delightfully contagious eye infections resulting in quarantine induced boredom and borderline insanity (for me at least). I guess I have become accustomed to the quiet calm of Liora's school time.
I can't complain though. She is incredible. And it's not her fault. I could have entertained her better but I just have no energy at the moment. And I am now ill too (so is Mr. C). I'm achy and grumpy and my left ear is totally blocked. Charming.
This past week has been particularly hard because of Angelica's birthday and the painful anniversary which followed. She would have been 5. Oh, how my girls would have frolicked together.
We bought her a little fairy statue as we do every year. It should arrive soon.
Mr C. Worked from home, which helped a lot.
I cannot begin to explain how difficult it is to wrap your mind around it all. I can't even type the words.
Happy birthday my sweetheart.
On Angelica's birthday, we got our acceptance letter for Liora's school place. I was so relieved that we got into our first choice. Now at least I that one particular stress of not knowing can be forgotten, replaced by planning for her next adventure.
On the self care side of things, I have felt mostly better after some meaningful breakthroughs in therapy (it was really quite transformative).
They haven't been translated into healthier lifestyle choices and a more organised life by any means, but is is a step in the right direction.
I may have mentioned that I bought retinol when we moved. Well, until tonight, I never had the guts to use it. I have started using it already. It is very gentle. I did and it was fine. I don't know what I was expecting to happen, but its all good. I also managed to buy a little friend for my retinol; Garden of Wisdom Vitamin C cream. I have used it and it is very nice.
I will report back in due course.