Monday, 30 November 2015

I am More than One Thing

Now that Baby is here, I find myself completely focused on her and her needs. This is normal, natural and I have no problem with it at all.

It is a lovely, wonderful thing, lack of sleep not withstanding.

The thing is, now that baby is a little older and sleeping a little longer, I am suddenly inspired to write, mainly about baby stuff. But I don't want to give up on the beauty and skincare thing. I still love that too.

So, even though I was contemplating changing the focus of this blog, I gave the idea a moment's thought and decided not to, and rather grow the focus. As I have grown, so shall the blog. As I can be more than one thing, so can the blog.

Having said all that, my skin has taken a serious back seat lately and an even more serious beating.

Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing and I wouldn't change it for anything, but it does require conscientious hydration. If you don't drink enough water, your skin will become dull, dry and Itchy. All. Over!

I am terrible at drinking enough water as it is and while I was super good when we first started, once we got used to it, and the weather got colder, my drinking habits have really taken a nosedive.

It also does not help that my routine is out the window. I am still trying to get to the place where showering every day is a possibility, so forget about morning and night skincare routine.

Fear not! I will redouble my efforts and drink more (or so I tell myself regularly), while I look fondly set my face mask in the vain hope that I will find a gap to use it.

When it comes to makeup, I have some really nice things to try, including an Urban Decay palette, but when your skin feels crap and you don't really go anywhere... You get the idea. (I do want to go on a lipstick binge soon and haul some. So pass on some recommendations!)

Don't even ask me about hair and nails. I stopped painting my nails when I got pregnant and have not done them since. No drinking also means dry, brittle nails so they remain short ( plus I don't want to scratch the baby). When they look better, they will be treated better. (hair is another story.)

So although I will be writing about beauty stuff, I have little in the way of good news to report right now.

I am tempted to try all the body products I have and never use, now that I come to think of it. Let's see how we go.

I'll keep you posted.

See ya.